
Showing posts from February, 2018

Raw and Wriggling

Title is a reference to Gollum for no particular reason. Here's the moment nobody has been waiting for: a blog by me. I don't remember what happened in the last episode, but the latest episode is definitely more boring and a much bigger waste of your time. See, my life pretty much just consists of dilating, watching netflix and playing video games. I also work a little bit. The kind of thing that is amazing for like 2 days, before it begins to slowly drive you insane. It also means I have nothing to talk about, so I really don't know why I'm writing this. I've been trialing dilating two times a day a bit earlier than I'm supposed to, mainly due to it ruining my life. Dilating has literally made me cry multiple times, either from pain or just frustration at having to do it. I do really like crying though - it's really satisfying. When I was pretending to be a man I used to watch sad movies to make me cry. What I didn't realise is that I could have j...