The Penis Mightier than the Sword

If you're reading the title of this post thinking "What could she possibly mean? Her penis was cut off by essentially a small sword!", then you're right - from that perspective, swords are much mightier than penises. But ever since the surgery I've been getting these phantom penis feelings. I'll try to explain, though my parents didn't really get it. Basically, my penis was reconstructed into a vagina, and so a lot of the material that was previously my penis now comprises my vagina - including any nerves. So sometimes I'll get a feeling in my now-vagina, but it feels like it came from my previous-penis, and it's really bizarre. The worst/weirdest thing is with vag itches (which I can't itch anyway but never mind) - you're used to that particular itchy nerve being in one place but now it's somewhere else, so you literally can't find the itch and couldn't itch it even if you were allowed to. It's a little disconcerting, hav...