Sex, Drugs, Cock and Hole

I'm not sure about the name of this post, but it does tick all the boxes I guess.

Before my last post it was the night before surgery, and I was about to have my penis (small and with a foreskin according to the surgeon) converted into a vagina. Well, since then it has all gone ahead as planned, and I'm pleased to say that I have something that isn't a penis where my penis was before. I think it's a vagina, but I'm not allowed to remove the bandages, so it might be something else, like a piece of salami. I'm vegetarian, so I don't know how I'd feel about that. It would still be flat I guess, so nobody would know that I have a piece of salami instead of a vagina. Then again, I don't know why they'd surgically insert a piece of salami. I have met some weird Thai folk though. I offered one of the Thai nurses one piece of chocolate and she just took all of it (true story - it was nearly a full block of almond Whittakers), so I guess if somebody could do that they could trick you into getting genital reconstructive surgery and then while you're out surgically attach some salami instead of a vagina.

Moving on. I have been on a LOT of drugs since Friday (and still am). My memory is quite hazy. I've called quite a few people and completely forgotten what we talked about or even that we talked at all (soz folks, whoever you are) . Spelling seems to be more difficult, which is annoying because I hate autocorrect (did you know that autocorrect says that 'autocorrect' is spelled incorrectly?). I don't like being told by some stupid computer whether I'm right or wrong. I got 96/100 on my year 8 spelling test. One girl beat me, but I'm pretty sure she's dating somebody called 'Bevin' now. Jokes on her.

Right, so this new vagina that I haven't seen yet. It's flat, which fulfills at least one of my criteria. It's also where my penis was and not on my stomach or back, so that's two (though let's be real that could be pretty dope). The question is what it looks like, and we will have to wait till tomorrow to find out.

There's a fair bit of pain down there, but I'm on lots of drugs (as mentioned) so I guess that's doing something. I've got a wee ice pack down there too to keep things cool too. Which is lucky because if it turns out to be a bit of salami and it hadn't been kept cold it might be a bit worse for wear by now. The weird thing is that I don't miss my penis at all. Or maybe that's not weird, I don't know. It just seems totally normal that I'd have a vj chilling down south rather than a dick getting all up in everything like one of those wind puppet things they have outside local car yards.

The other cool thing is that I've met a couple of swell folks going through the same thing. I won't name them obviously, but there is one absolutely lovely Spanish girl a couple of doors down who came all on her own. I'm hoping she can have Christmas with us. We've been FB messaging since neither of us can move from bed, but she might come see me tomorrow! There's also a family of 4 who all came together, which is amazingly cool. I think their daughter had her surgery today, so they will be making sure she is okay. We might see them later on too.

Back at the hotel it's slightly awkward. If you see a girl (esp. white), then there's a 90% chance she's there for the surgery. But you can't just be like 'Hey! Are you here to get your penis reconstructed into a vagina?". I'm sure there's some more tactful ways of saying the same sort of thing, but I don't know what they are. So you wait and see if people are walking with their legs together, holding a cushion for their new vajayjay, and sitting down at the speed of a 90 year old woman with arthritis - but that's only the post surgical people. But there's something quite offensive about trying to figure out if someone is transgender or not in the first place, even if it's all so that you can make friends and share your experiences. It makes you look for all the 'non-feminine' features a person has (whatever that means), even though every woman probably has some 'non-feminine' features. It's just as hard once you know somebody is transgender - then you do the exact same thing: "Hm that jaw does look a little gaunt for a cis woman, and her forehead is quite large, and now that I think about it her voice is a little low or nasally", even if you wouldn't bat an eyelid if you didn't know/if they were cisgender. Anyway, that's just a wee bonus rant for you all.

Well, that about concludes this installment anyway. It's nice to be a little more alive today. It was tough being all fucked on drugs yesterday. Mum and I got to play Monopoly Deal which was fun. I destroyed her because it's a game comprised purely of skill and no luck. Lastly, thanks to everyone who has accepted a random call/message from me, or given one of their own. I'm literally doing nothing, so please give me a ring or message on FB or something. It's really lovely and heartwarming talking to you. I think I even have a small tear in my eye while I'm writing this, though I haven't properly washed my face in a few days so it may be an eye bogey. I'll pop a few pics below for funsies. Don't scroll too far if you don't want to see my new bandaged 'flatmate'. Probably don't scroll at all cause it's like 2 photos down. It's actually not gruesome at all really.


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